The campaign to keep Sussex a healthy and happy place for all of us to live is reliant on all of us!  We are not a political organisation and nobody involved gets paid- we do it because we care.  Here are the sort of awareness raising activities that your donation could help to pay for :

Posters, information leaflets, flyering

Organising screenings of films such as Gasland I & II

Organising public meetings and talks with knowledgeable guest speakers

Web hosting for this website

Funding of merchandise (in order to raise funds!)

Supporting campaigners on the front line at drill sites with food, phone bills, legal support etc


Getting the Frack Free Sussex information stand to festivals and community events

Advertising to local press

Helping the protectors with travel expenses and legal costs


You can donate directly to:

Frack Free Sussex

Sort code: 08-92-99

Account: 65733697

You can also donate your energy!

The campaign to prevent Fracking ruining our county is made up of an ever growing number of people LIKE YOU! We are fighting against multi-national corporations with millions of pounds to spend on PR so we need you, whatever your skills and expertise.

Event organisers, letter-writers, graphic designers, video-makers, photographers, website builders, persuasive talkers, sign-makers, cake-bakers, tea servers, leaflet handers, media observers, database builders, film showers, nature-lovers, lorry-blockers, T-shirt designers, scientists, economists, environmentalists, musicians, name it!

Please do what you can or give what you can!