Please join Frack Free Sussex and other groups outside the meeting of the County Council’s Planning Committee on Tuesday 29th April, 2014 at 9.45am. The press will be there and we need to show a united, dignified front, illustrating Sussex voters are against this (and further) planning applications.
AGENDA: Councillors are due to consider several applications including for further oil and gas exploration at Lower Stumble Wood near Balcombe and for inert recycling at Burlands Farm near Crawley.
The next meeting of West Sussex County Council’s planning committee will take place at County Hall North in Horsham.
(The change of venue for the meeting on Tuesday, April 29 is due to on-going repair work to the ceiling in the council chamber at County Hall in Chichester.)
The agenda for the meeting will be published and available from from April 17.
West Sussex County Council’s planning committee is a meeting held in public.
The meeting will be held in the Park Suite, is due to start at 10.30am, numbers will be limited but the meeting will be webcast live.
The planning committee provides an opportunity for several members of the public who have submitted a representation on an application to directly address the committee with issues of concern to them.
Speakers are allowed up to five minutes to speak. Public speaking at Planning Committee meetings is governed by the protocol on public participation and subject to the discretion of the Planning Committee Chairman. For more infomation
The agenda, which includes Planning Officers’ Reports and recommendations for each of the items, will be published on April 17 and will be available to view at
The meeting is being webcast live and archived versions of it will also be available to view.
Helen Card | Principal Community Officer | Central Mid Sussex | Gatwick Diamond Team | Communities and Economic Development | West Sussex County Council | Post point 1.4, 1st Floor, County Hall North, Chart Way, Horsham |