Union Church
Station Road, TN21 8 LB
Learn more about fracking from Ian R Crane (ex oil field executive)
This is a FREE event with a request for a donation.
Working to protect the Water, Air, Soil, Ecology, Homes and Public Health of Sussex. Raising awareness about the dangers of Hydraulic Fracturing or 'Fracking'.
Union Church
Station Road, TN21 8 LB
Learn more about fracking from Ian R Crane (ex oil field executive)
This is a FREE event with a request for a donation.
In the USA, towns near fracking sites have seen cancer rates rising, water supplies running out and the poisoning of land, livestock, pets and people by hazardous air pollutants. Water that was once pristine is now so contaminated with methane that it can be set alight. Industry studies show 5-7% of all new oil and gas wells leak and ALL wells will leak eventually.
Our water supply, which comes predominantly from the chalk aquifer, would be threatened.
Property values are falling in areas near drilling sites.
Even the energy secretary says fracking WON’T REDUCE ENERGY BILLS.
Frack Free Sussex
Sort code: 08-92-99
Account: 65733697
The campaign to keep Sussex a healthy and happy place for all of us to live is reliant on all of us! We are not a political organisation and nobody involved gets paid - we do it because we care. Here are the sort of awareness raising activities that your donation could help to pay for:
Posters, information leaflets, flyering
Organising screenings of films such as The Bentley Effect and PowerTrip
Organising public meetings and talks with knowledgeable guest speakers (get in touch)
Web hosting for this website
Getting the Frack Free Sussex information stand to festivals and community events
Advertising to local press
The campaign to prevent fracking and any forms of unconventional drilling ruining our county is made up of an ever growing number of people LIKE YOU! We are fighting against multi-national corporations with millions of pounds to spend on PR so we need you, whatever your skills and expertise.
Event organisers, letter-writers, graphic designers, video-makers, photographers, website builders, persuasive talkers, sign-makers, cake-bakers, tea servers, leaflet handers, media observers, database builders, film showers, nature-lovers, lorry-blockers, T-shirt designers, scientists, economists, environmentalists, musicians, artists....you name it!
Please do what you can or give what you can!