"Know your rights" & "Effective Campaigning" training coming up at the end of March. Delivered by Seeds of Change with Frack Off. Yippee.
"Know your rights" Saturday 28th March, 10.30 - 5 @ Friends Meeting House.Please arrive from 10am for prompt start. - “Any community campaign may be met with a response which requires a group to robustly defend the community’s rights. The ‘Know Your Rights’ workshop provides the knowledge and skills to deal with the police, know what to do if you or someone else gets arrested and understand common protest offenses, as well as civil actions which target protest, such as injunctions & possession orders. Regardless of the range of experience within your group, this workshop will help to increase confidence when interacting with the legal system.”
"Effective Campaigning" Sunday 29th March, 10 - 5 @ Conference Room, Community Base. Building an effective community campaign can be challenging and requires a group to bring together many elements with careful planning. The ‘Effective Campaigning’ workshop provides the skills to plan a campaign (devising a strategy and selecting tactics), construct campaign messaging and put in place the basic tools a group requires to sustain an effective campaign. Whether your campaign is just beginning or has been under-way for sometime, this workshop can help support your group to campaign more effectively.
To book a place on either/both please email brightonfrackingtraining@mail.com.