MORE bribery...

Vanessa Vine, of Frack Free Sussex, said yesterday's announcement was deliberately timed to be delivered after the European and local elections to avoid public backlash.

“The annual reports of the British Geological Survey show it is not averse to receiving funding from the oil and gas industry.

“Similar wild claims of recoverable shale reserves in California were this week exposed as being 96% overhyped and the Monterey shale boom is now bust.

“Why does an industry that purports to be an innocuous employment panacea and silver bullet for everybody's economy, feel the need - via invested government - to bribe councils not to oppose its operations?

“Does anybody need to ask themselves why industry and government waited until the day after the elections to announce 'huge shale oil reserves' in the Weald and £800,000 bribes to councils to accept fracking in communities?”