A SAD DAY FOR SUSSEX - Cuadrilla given green light to oil test and flare in Balcombe

Application No:      WSCC/005/14/BA
Proposal:               Temporary permission for exploration and appraisal comprising the flow testing and monitoring of the existing hydrocarbon lateral borehole along with site security fencing, the provision of an enclosed testing flare and site restoration.
Location:               Lower Stumble Hydrocarbon Exploration Site, London Road, Balcombe, Haywards Heath, West Sussex, RH17 6JH
District:                 Mid Sussex District Council
Grid Ref:                531022 129238

"It is manifestly clear that local government is representing neither the wishes nor the best interests of local people or wild ecology. WSCC is invested in this industry through pension funds, through Centrica. Something is very very wrong and people are very very angry.

889 objections, 9 people said they wanted it, a 5000+ plus signature petition and 60+ page document from the Frack Free Balcombe Residents Association .. All detailed, articulate, inarguable information dismissed, disregarded. They had already made their decision

It is manifestly clear that there is no democracy - local or otherwise. So long as the fossil fuel industry is pulling the strings of politicians we're in serious trouble. It's clear that there's a political mania to force this through - right from the top down to County Councils, maybe even Parish Councils- although the Balcombe Parish Council in this instance recommended against it in this instance

They are very very foolish they've completely underestimated the response of local people and what will happen.

It leaves us nowhere to go within their law. They talk about what is lawful and what is unlawful and "breaking" the law. As far as I'm concerned, we have to put the Lore back into the Law - because what they are doing contravenes natural law. It threatens my community, it threatens me personally and it threatens my son ..."

Vanessa Vine, Frack Free Sussex


"It's going to be a huge industrialisation of our countryside. We're fighting not just for Balcombe but for the Weald, and for the rest of the country. We will continue to fight. There comes a point where you have to glue yourself to something, and I've come to that point."

-Kathryn McWhirter, Balcombe resident..

.. after the debacle of the West Sussex County Council meeting to "discuss" Cuadrilla's application to re-commence Balcombe operations - but where both the wishes and best interests of Sussex residents were utterly disregarded and the decision to grant permission had clearly already been made.

