South Downs fracking objections flood in...

On Tuesday, West Sussex County Council Highways OBJECTED to Celtique Energie's planning application to drill an exploratory borehole at Fernhurst, within the South Downs National Park.

"The Local Highways Authority raise an objection on the following grounds; it has not been satisfactorily demonstrated that safe and suitable access to the site can be achieved, contrary to paragraph 32 of the National Planning Policy Framework and objective 4 of the WSCC Local Transport Plan. The application has failed to;
* Submit and address problems raised in Stage 1 Road Safety Audit in accordance with Highways Directive 19/03
* Demonstrate that the required visibility splays at the site access and its junction with Vann Road are in control of the Applicant and can be implemented and maintained throughout the operational period
* Demonstrate that large vehicles are able to execute a right turn out of the access and its junction with Vann Road
* Identify appropriate means of mitigating internal access road conflicts and ensure access congestion does not occur as a consequence of the narrow access road which may cause the subsequent obstruction of Vann Road
* Submit an accurate assessment of the likely traffic impacts of the proposed development and establish an accurate and realistic baseline position
* Demonstrate that Vann Road is suitable to accommodate the additional traffic generated by the development and, in particular, large vehicles and two-way traffic flows given width constraints"

The objection then goes on to say....
[When accessing the site] "it is evident that vehicles will be required to cross the centre line of the carriageway [of Vann Road] into the opposing side of the carriageway for approximately 40m"

"the Local Highways Authority do not consider the traffic be a realistic or accurate representation of the existing or anticipated impact of the proposed development."